Flor Do MarLost TreasureShip Wrecks

The Flor Do Mar 2.6 Billion Dollar Treasure

Witness Reports:

There are several different witness reports describing what happened to the Flor do Mar.  Some accounts state the ship sank in 20 feet of water leaving her contents to be taken by locals.  Others state she sank with all 400 crew members aboard to the sea bottoms.

Recent Salvage attempts:

President Soeharto supposedly spent 20 millions U.S. Dollars in an attempt to locate the Flor do Mar though Unsuccessful.

In March 1992, the front page of Skin Diver Magazine announced ” 80 Billion Dollar Treasure Found” but nothing ever came of it.

The latest known attempt was done in 1990 by the South East Asia Salvage company.  Their search was based on clues the ship was lost on a reef off the coast of Sumatra.  However, the company was dissolved in 1992 reportedly finding nothing.

The where about of the Flor do Mar remain a mystery and all clues of evidence have been handed down over 500 years.  This leaves a lot of room for misguided information.  The Flor do Mar has been the center of many treasure hunt scams with promises of unmatched fortune.

What we do know about the Flor do Mar is the ship itself would likely be gone after find hundred years making the treasure even tougher to find.  But as long as it is out there, there will always be searchers looking for her.

Search Rating: D

Reward Rating: A

Chance Treasure Exist’s: B

The Flor Do Mar 2.6 Billion Dollar Treasure coins

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Jon Meeek
Jon Meeek
7 years ago

This ship wreck seems like it would be near the hardest to find

JEB Nonya
1 year ago
Reply to  Jon Meeek

Oh yea for sure

JEB Nonya
1 year ago

Agreed Jon

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